The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
-Michael Jackson. The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. -Leo Tolstoy The meaning of life is life. -Alan Alda What is the meaning of life? Everyone seems to have a different view point on what it means to be alive. Perhaps it is true that their is no meaning to life because in the end we die and the world goes on regardless of what we do as an individual. On the other hand, there is the legendary story of Achilles that you live to put your name in the history books and to be remembered forever. I think it is the robust nature of our intelligence combined with the emotional creatures we are that "forces" us to ascribe meaning to things and to life its self. What is the common thread to the meaning of life? To begin, I woke up this morning after having a terrible nights sleep and life simply seemed dull. We all have those days where frankly we wish life could disappear and we could be comatose until times got good and then wake up. This is one reason why I believe modern humans live for instant satisfaction rather than long term goals. In other words we only want to be around for the good events of life. This is all backward. The beauty and elegance of life comes from the highs and lows of life. It's this fact that we are so fragile and walking on a thin line between complete bliss and absolute misery that burns the fire of life inside of us. However, when the lows come and we want too give up, I propose that there are underlying threads to life that will make life meaningful and allow one to create meaning in life. These threads are wonder/ curiosity and achievement/fulfillment. The answers are hidden in the fact that as humans we are culprits to the ever present moment, which is great when times are good but sucks when we have to do things we don't want to. The ideas are simple; curiosity embedded within your soul will drive you to seek knowledge and new answers even when you want to give up. The urge to find things out becomes greater than the urge to find comfort. The second is achievement, one needs to want something so bad for themselves that regardless of how hard it is, getting the goal done for that day will make them feel satisfied and fulfilled. To conclude, it is these traits that allow humans to push themselves and create a meaning in life. The labels we place on every action is self created and having these characteristics will allow you to create a meaningful life. You can turn the void of being in a merciless world into something precious where you have individual meaning and purpose. Happiness is the by product of creating a valuable meaning of life for yourself... |